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5 Helpful Tips to Keep Pests out of Your Skip Bin This Summer
Unwanted vermin that hang around a skip bin can be one of the most annoying things when hiring a skip bin.
Animal pests carry with them several diseases like asthma and other health risks. They are attracted to skip bins that have unwanted waste scraps around the bins for them to eat.
If they are in the skip bin, you may need to call a pest control service to remove them properly. Pests should be eliminated as much as possible at home or in a construction workplace to maintain a healthy environment.
Without pest control and efficient rubbish removal, you are putting yourself, your family and your employees at risk of infestation.
How To Keep Pests Away From Skip Bins
When it comes to pest control, pesticides are often considered an easy remedy but not environmentally safe.
1. Keep food waste or leftovers away from skip bins
Like humans, cockroaches, rodents, and insects need food to survive. There’s no better way for them to acquire food easily than to scavenge on food leftovers. All vermin-type animals are waiting for you to dump food waste near a skip bin.
Using a kitchen unit or wheelie bin is a great way to eliminate food waste without the risk of pest infestation. A kitchen garbage unit is an electrically powered device that shreds food waste so it can readily pass through plumbing. It can be installed in your kitchen sinks – just between the trap and the drain.
Skip bin with the lid closed – image courtesy of skipfactory
2. Keep the Skip Bin lid closed
An open bin is an invitation for pests to invade. Leaving your skip bin open when empty allows all types of pests to crawl inside.
Securing your skip bin’s lid will help prevent animals or windy weather from scattering waste onto your property.
3. Regularly clean your skip bins
Pests are attracted to dirty and unclean surfaces inside a skip bin. Leaving these unclean will be an ideal environment for cockroaches and rodents.
That’s why investing in a clean and strong skip bin is a good idea. You must clean the skip at least once a week with mild detergents. You may also consider using bleach or vinegar to help deodorize them.
4. Clean recyclable plastic bottles and other containers
Plastic bottles add malodour that attracts pests to your bin. You do two things at once by cleaning plastic bottles: deodorising your bin and saving the environment from pollution.
5. Place your skip bins or other rubbish at a distance
It’s a great idea to put your skip bin away from fences or sheds and secure it so rodents don’t have easy access.
We recommend where your skip bin should be placed before delivery.
We would happily talk with you over the phone to discuss your skip bin requirements.